When Male Masturbation Goes Wrong
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- In orgasm / sex / sex tips for men / sexual health / sexual problems
As a hypnotherapist specializing in sexual dysfunction, I really wish all men knew how certain types of masturbation is a detriment. Constant masturbation stemming from early years that is hurried (to avoid being caught) teaches the body that sexual stimulation is supposed to come fast and hard. Practicing this method year after year can lead to premature ejaculation when with a women. Your body want to race to the finish line and win the prize (orgasm)!
No, I am not saying don’t masturbate. It is natural and we know orgasms are healthy. But I will say slow it down and loosen up on the grip. Avoid reinforcing behaviors you do not want when you are with a woman.
yeah, tell him you want to spice it up with a wink. if you dont feel you can talk flat out (though you should), dsecrietly show him you want him and gently guide him to do things like you like, encouraging him that he satisfies you.